[RxSwift] RxSwift Basics
Reactive programming framwork for swift language to build the app.
Framework that makes Cocoa API’s easier to use reactive techniques
Observing events (= Emit notifications of change)
Types of Events in Observable
- If new event would create to that Observable, next event will be sent to that Observer. It is called Emit
- If Observable has an error, error event will be sent to that Observer
- If Observable ends completely, completed event will be sent to that observer,
Subscribing to an Observable and noticing when that Observable action has changed.
Dealing with Observable’s events. It is called Subscribe
It provides to help deal with memory management.
Completed and error, observer’s events, send at the end of the life cycle.
With executing completed and error, Swift automatically deallocate the resources, but recomended that calls disposable to deallocate the resources manually
It can act as both an observable and as an observer.
The subject received next events and also be subscribed to.
The subject receive next events, it turned around and emitted it to its subscriber.
Publish Subject
It is used when you simply want subscribers to be notified of new events from the point at which they subscribed.
It will receive information and then publish it to subscriber.
Also, it starts empty and only emits new elements to subscribers.
It starts initial values and subscribe only an immediate value
It is the wrapper around subjects
It is the wrapper around PublishSubject. It is only notified of values from the point after subscribing.
It is the wrapper around BehaviorSubject. it can get the value using .value.
What is the difference btw Subject and Relay?
Subjects ends when .completed and .error events occur.
Relays continues working until it would disposed, without .completed and .error, so it is appropriate to use UI Events.